Security Training | Weapons, Armored Vehicle, Advanced Driver Courses

SAKOM has a firm philosophy that security training should be relevant and should be realistic. With this in mind, our security training curriculum is flexible and designed to meet the implicit requirement outlined within our overall capabilities. This training approach is considered core capability however our additional weapons, hazmat, combat life saving, armored vehicle training services and advanced driving courses take SAKOM into a further realm of support to clients.

Our Systems Approach to Training (SAT) methodology and Combat Life Saver Training (CLS) are built around Training the Trainer. We provide a framework against which SAKOM develops and implements compliant quality systems and security training to best meet the client’s operational and business needs. In addition, our security training experts utilize a four stage approach to accomplish a holistic package:

  • Identify the need for training or the training requirement
  • Conduct a needs analysis
  • Create a training design and development program
  • Training delivery

The regulatory environment which exists in many countries insists that PSC activities or RMC activities are subject to continuing assessment and review with a focus on improving the capability of local national staff which involves a necessity to have continuing professional development of staff at all levels.

Within the security industry there is a huge demand for qualified medics ranging from Combat Life Saver (CLS) qualified individuals on to First Person On the Scene (FPOS) and beyond to prehospital medical care at what is known as a Tier 1 level. Within these medical qualifications, is an ongoing requirement to recertify after a prescribed period and these qualifications are formally recognised by clients and often a prerequisite to contract award. SAKOM invests in selected people to ensure that client medical requirements are met, are adhered to and are recertified in a timely manner.

Other externally recognised qualifications and courses that our team have attended include:

  • Advanced Driver Training Course
  • Armored Vehicle Driver Training Course
  • Health and Safety Courses
  • Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Training
  • Weapons Training and Range Management

SAKOM have an array of security talent on which to call to provide Subject Matter Experts (SME) in many fields and the purpose of this section is to highlight just a few, with a focus on our core expertise of security for personnel, either static or mobile and a few components which further support these tasks. Our intent is to expand our capability to meet the client core program and if a capability is required which is not obvious, please feel free to contact us with an enquiry and outline requirement.